Middle of October

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

3012 - 2140

Today is my birthday :) SMS-SMS ucapan ultah uda masuk dri jam 12 lewat 10 menit. Yg pertama kemped, trus uii, hbis tu onie trus nunuy.. Yg kupikirkan, mana ucapan dri dia ? Dan tarraaaaaaaaaaaa.. Skitar jam /9nan SMSnya baru masuk. hmm.. yaaa bisa di maafkan. Tadi pagi aku gg dateng latian kimia cz mau bantuin mama masak buat syukuran ultahku. Motong ini itu ampe jam 11.. habis tu disuruh mandi trus ngider ke tetangga. Lumayan laah.. Dapet ucapan ma doa lagi :D Pulang dri nganter2 itu, ternyata mama uda nyiapin tumpeng kecil2an. hihi. Jadi deh acara potong tumpeng ma makan bareng.. hehe. Tapi dari pagi ampe sore tu mati lampu. Baru nyala jam /6. nyebelin banget. Malemnya aku mau ngajak jalan, tpi dia uda ada rencana sendiri. Okelaah. Terpaksa deh nnton tipi di rumah sambil OL bentar lewat hape sambil nunggu dia bales sms. eh, ampe skarang masih gg di bales. Yg masuk malah smsnya mas ran ngucapin ultah. telat tpi gpp deh. Aku pengen di specialkan di hari yg special aja gg bisa. Menyedihkan :( Rencananya besok mau traktiran. Tpi sumpah, MENDADAK males ketemu dia. =,= Ulang tahunku malah jadi kisah yg menyedihkan di akhir taun. Aku cuma bisa berdoa untuk apa pun yg terbaik buat aku :))


Gurita Cikeas

Presiden SBY mulai membedah buku karangan George Junus Aditjondro ini. Waah,, Jdi penasaran ma isi bukunya. Tpi ktanya sih buku ini susah banget di cari di pasaran. Hm.. apa buku ini sudah ditarik dari penjualan ?


Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Jason Derulo

Birth name : Jason DeRülo
Born September : 21, 1989 (age 20)(1989-09-21)
Origin : Miramar, Florida
Occupations : Singer-songwriter, dancer, choreographer, actor
acts Lil Wayne, Cassie, Birdman, Donnie Klang, Channel 7, Tastemaker Music (Chad Beatz), Lil Mama, The Fliptones, Imogen Heap


Love you Lyric

Love You

I keep smelling the fragrance of promise
I guess the wind that swept by you is passing by my side right now
Maybe it's a sunshine in my heart that shines on only you
It even embraces the painful scars

Love you
Bringing you up, I close my eyes tight once again
I love you. if I can fill up both your eyes
I love you. if I show you my laughter
I'd take everything under the starlight and give them to you
I love you. if I can convey this heart to you
I love you. if you teach that heart
I'll become like it in every way
Love you, love you, love you, forever

I'm walking, following you, hiding behind the moonlight
What do I do if you don't notice
Should I make another request to the clouds to rain again
So I can hold your wet heart

Love you
Bringing you up, I close my eyes tight once again
I love you. if I can fill up both your eyes
I love you. if I show you my laughter
I'd take everything under the starlight and give them to you
I love you. if I can convey this heart to you
I love you. if you teach that heart
I'll become like it in every way
Love you, love you, love you, forever

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

BabyLove shoe

The BabyLove shoe by Taryn Rose, get yours in time for a New Year's Eve bash ! 


The Top 4 selling celebrity

best-selling celeb scents

Smells like famous: The top-four selling celebrity fragrances in the U.S.


Sometimes she cries Lyric

Sometimes she cries

Melissa don't think
she's pretty no more
Starin at the stars
through her back screen door
she tried and tried
to make it all work out
no matter what she does
she's left standin in the middle of doubt
in a lonely night
and in the pouring rain you can count on me

sometimes she cries
when she's alone at night
sometimes she weeps
when she's feelin cold and weak
sometimes the pain
it just tears her up inside
sometimes she cries
ooooo.... i wonder why?

melissa don't have
a lover anymore
plays with her pillow
stares at the bedroom floor
used to have a million
they've come and gone..
no matter what she does,
she cant figure out what she's doin' wrong
in a lonely night
and in the pouring rain you can count on me

givin evrything youve got
after all the heartache
in a lonely night
and in the pouring rain..



2712 - 1130

Yesterday was saturday, saturday night exactly. Do you see ? yes, i was alone again. Maybe it was since 5 days ago. No talked, no phoned, there wasn't SMS received, no communication and of course with NO REASON ! I tried to be more and more patient. But its so hard ! how come ? Your boyfriend missed the communication and you dont know the reason. Its so tragic right ? I'm already do anything that can stop this damn acted. But what ? FAILED. If this just little jokes for my birthday, in the name of god, it will be the most UNFUNNY present of the year ! 
Extremely  miss u , popo :) 


Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

2512 - 2130

:(( sediih bgt.. Masih bertanya-tanyaa.. Sbenernya aq ni salah apa sih ? hhh.


Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Muse The Resistance

Track List 

1. Uprising
3. Undisclosed Desires
4. United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)
Guiding Light
Unnatural Selection

7. MK Ultra


Madonna Celebration

Lihat gambar ukuran penuh

Kumpulan 36 lagu terbaik Madonna ini pasti gg bakal ngecewain ! :)


Toilet 105

Toilet di SMU Bina Persada nampak baik-baik saja: terang, bersih, wangi dan jadi tempat favorit untuk semua penghuninya.  Semua, termasuk penghuni ‘halus’ yang menggemari bandit-bandit sekolah, apalagi yang ganteng-ganteng seperti Okta (Ricky Harun), Ical (Lionil Tikoalu) dan Rio (Rizky Putra). Sampai muncul anak baru bernama Marsya (Coralie), cewek cakep pindahan dari Bandung yang sepertinya  membuat setan toilet menjadi ‘gerah’. Seisi sekolah makin sering dihebohkan dengan penampakkan potongan-potongan tubuh mengerikan. Mulai dari Satpam (Aming), guru favorit (Indra Birowo) sampai guru killer (Suti Karno), semuanya tunggang-langgang diteror setan toilet..


The Princess and The Frog

Seorang gadis cantik bernama Tiana (ANIKA NONI ROSE), seekor pangeran katak yang sangat ingin menjadi manusia kembali, dan sebuah ciuman penentu nasib yang membawa mereka ke petualangan mistik diseluruh penjuru kota Lousiana.


Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Lirik Hati Yang Kau Sakiti

jangan pernah katakan bahwa
cintamu hanya untukku
karna kini kau telah membaginya

* maafkan bila memang kini
harus kutinggalkan dirimu
karna hatiku selalu kau lukai

** tak ada lagi yang bisa ku lakukan tanpamu
ku hanya bisa mengatakan apa yang ku rasa

ku menangis membayangkan
betapa kejamnya dirimu atas diriku
kau duakan cinta ini
kau pergi bersamanya

ku menangis melepaskan
kepergian dirimu dari sisi hidupku
harus slalu kau tahu
aku lah hati yang telah kau sakiti

1612 -2113

Selalu BT, marah, jengkel waktu liat baca ato denger nama itu itu dan itu. UHG! Aku da berusaha biar masa laluku gg keungkit. Tpi dia tu gg ada usahanya sama sekali. Gg ngerti perasaanku sama sekali. Gg tanggap. Gg sensitif. Gg respect. Pura2 bodoh. Pura2 gg bersalah. Pura2 gg terjadi apa2. Dan ujung-ujungnya harus aku lagi yg nahan. Aku aku aku dan aku. AHHHHHHHHGGGGGG !!! Naik darah aku lama2. Acara hancur cuma gra2 nama itu. Merusak banget sumpah. Aku males lama-lama klo gini terus. 

1612 - 1650

Rekan-rekanku.. Aku gg mau dengan kita menang kemaren, jdi buat kita gila uang dan jadi buat kita punya obsesi2 tersendiri. Kita semua bisa kyk gni berawal dari kelompok. Apa pun keadaannya, lebih baik bersama dari pada sendiri-sendiri. Jangan sampai muncul kecemburuan sosial di antara kita. Kita sahabat. Aku lebih milih kalian dari pada apapun. Waktu menang kita sama-sama. Jangan sampai waktu kalah kita jadi pisah bahkan saling menyalahkan. Disini kita belajar gmna menjadi team work yg baik. Seharusnya kita lebih bisa mensukseskan itu karena kita sahabat. Kita gg perlu ngerasa tersaingi atau merasa kalah satu sama lain. Karena sekali lagi kita satu tim. Aku tau yg kalian pikirkan meskipun gg bener2 persis. Aku tau apa yg kalian rasain dan itu yg paling aku takutkan. Tolong.. jangan sampai apa yang uda kita dapatkan jadi bom buat persahabatan kita. LOVE CiiPheGalSinVorNuyPedQta :))


Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

1512 - 1920

JUARA 3 !!

Hahahaha :D Huaaah. Seneng n puas banget meskipun cm jadi yg ketiga. Tpi buat YPK kita uda jadi yg pertama. Apalagi diliat kondisi kita yang cm berdua ngelawan kelompok lain yg 4 orang smua. Jelas KO Laah. Hahaha. Tpi alahamduliilah banget bisa dapet juara. Thx God, Thx Pak Agus, Thx ayah mama iyak, Thx rekan-rekanku GALUH VORY OPHE.
We're the best ! :)


Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Pre-Fall 2010

Designer: Chanel Paris-Shanghai Pre Fall 2010 Collection

Inspiration: Chanel does Shanghai, "a city in constant evolution, a cosmopolitan theater to an extraordinary cultural boom"

Who was there: Actress and Chanel muse, Anna Mouglalis, chanteuse Vanessa Paradis, and Chinese starlets Zhou Xun, Shin Min Ah, and Hou Hong Lan

Top Looks: Grey tiled and red peak shouldered cocktail dress which opened the show; Yellow over-the-knee boots, under a black embroidered coat with long metal tassel earrings; Navy and black "soldier suit" trimmed with metal, with embroidered silk over-the-knee boots and coolie hat; Updated cheongsams; Jade green sweater suit with navy trim; Ankle revealing evening gowns-either by sheer panels or by cut 


Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

1112 - 1322

hmmh.. seperti hari libur kmaren2, hari ni bangun siang. Nyalain komputer trus OL YM. Iyak uda OL. Oke dh, posthink. Habis tu YMan ma dia ampe jam 10. Tak tinggal mandi sbentar trus sarapan. Pas balik lagi, eh dia gg ada, Ternyata ketiduran. Yaudaa. Nyambi deh ngisi blog. Nyari makanan ma mnuman western campur eastern jg sii. Maklum lagi laper pas ntu :D Uda lama, jdi bosen.Oppdeh. Makan rawon buatan mama. Hbis tu baca pengumuman di koran, ternyata gg menang. Oke. No problem. Hbis tu tidur2an bentar. Gg lama iyak sms ngajak YMan. Oke laah.. OL lgi. But,lagi2 keyboard error. ckckck. terpaksa migrasi ke laptop. Gg lama.. JDYAAARRR!! Bad mood mendadak muncul. Uaaahhg. BT banget ! Maka dri itu aku memutuskan untuk menyudahi YMan ku. hmmh. Begini lah.. Pengen marah tapi gg bisa marah.. :(


i remember you chord

I Remember You

  G                Cadd9
This fig. can be used during the verses, or you can just strum the chords.

G                                     G
 Woke up to the sound of               Paint a ...
Cadd9                                 Cadd9
 Pouring rain                          ....
G                                     G
 Wind would whisper and I'd            When love ....
Cadd9                                 Cadd9
 think of you.                         Make ....
G                                     G
 And all the tears you cried they      I'd stare ....
Cadd9                                 Cadd9
 Call my name                          -to your eyes
D                                     D
 And when you needed me                So that I ...
C                                     C
 I came thru.                          There ...
                                       Time after ...
                                       There ...

G                    D
 Remember yesterday,  ...
Em                         C      D
 Love letters in the sand....
G                                   D
 you. Through the sleepless nights   Through ....
Em                     C     D
 I wanna hear you ....
G             Cadd9
G             Cadd9

2nd Verse:
G                              Cadd9
 We spent the summer with ...
G                        Cadd9
 Wished ever after ...
G                               Cadd9
 You said I love you babe ....
D                                C
 I said I'd give up my life ....
D                           C
 Live for your smile, and  ....
 (repeat chorus)
 At the end of the chorus 2nd time, play G again instead of Cadd9 then 
 go to bridge:

C                               Em 
 We had our share of hard times     ...
C                               D
 And thru it all, we kept ....
 I swear you'd never ....
G             Cadd9
G             Cadd9
G             Cadd9
D             C
D             C
G             Cadd9
G             Cadd9
G                            Cadd9
 Woke up to the sound of      .....
D                           C
 Cause you'll always be my   Dream .....
 (repeat chorus several times)


Caipirinha Brazilian drink


Caipirinha (Portuguese pronunciation: [kajpiˈɾĩɲɐ]) is Brazil's national cocktail, made with cachaça (pronounced [kaˈʃasɐ]), sugar and lemon. Cachaça is Brazil's most common distilled alcoholic beverage. While both rum and cachaça are made from sugarcane-derived products, most rum is made from molasses. Specifically with cachaça, the alcohol results from the fermentation ofsugarcane juice that is afterwards distilled.


Punjabi Food

Punjabi Recipes

Punjab is a northern state of India and is very popular for its rich food . Punjabi recipe is prepared in delicious gravy and punjabi parathas melted in butter/ ghee. Punjabi dishes is simple, healthy and yet has its own fascination. The famous dishes like matar paneer, dal makhani, parathas, bature, lassi are popular all over India.


Indian snacks


The Indian snacks are usually delicious and mouth watering. Savouries like samosas, aloo tikki etc. are commonly served in India. This section is comprised of recipes which have been passed on for generation together in Indian homes. The crispness and tempting tastes of indian snacks is liked by young and old alike. These can be easily prepared at any time. It is ideal to serve snacks before coffee or tea.



Simmered Kuromame Photo (c) Setsuko Yoshizuka

Black soybeans are called kuromame, and simmered kuromame is a traditional New Year's dish in Japan. Mame (beans) symbolizes our wish for good health. It's a time consuming dish to make but I think it's worth it. Simmered kuromame can last few days or longer, so make ahead of time before the New Year holidays.


Japanese Sake

sake set

Do you like drinking Japanese sake? Sake is a clear alcohol drink which is basically made by fermenting steamed rice with koji mold and water. Ceramic flasks to serve sake are called tokkuri, and small cups to drink sake are called o-choko. 


Sirloin steak

Untuk 2 porsi

500 gr daging sapi sirloin (pangkal paha)
30 gr paterseli cincang
4 siung bawang merah
½ sdm pasta tomat
¼ sdt tepung terigu
125 ml air/kaldu daging
2 sdm mentega
1 sdm red wine/kentucky
¼ sdt lada halus
½ sdt garam halus
100 gr bawang bombay goreng/onion ring
100 gr pure kentang
75 gr setup sayuran

Cara Membuat:
1. Potong daging menjadi tiga atau empat bagian. Rendam daging dalam larutan garam, daun paterseli, lada dan garam. Diamkan 30 menit agar bumbu meresap.

2. Panaskan mentega pada grill pan. Masukan daging dan masak sampai daging matang. Angkat daging dari perapian, potong-potong.

3. Saus: Tumis bawang bombay pada wajan bekas menggoreng steak, masukkan tepung terigu, pasta tomat, lada dan garam. Setelah harum, tambahkan air/kaldu, masak sambil diaduk hingga saus mengental. Sesaat sebelum diangkat, tambahkan kentucky/red whine.

4. Penyajian: Siapkan piring saji, atur daging, onion ring, pure kentang dan setup sayuran. Siram dengan saus dan sajikan segera.


Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

soft pop !!

Pop music is a music genre that developed from the mid-1950s as a softer alternative to rock 'n' roll and later to rock music. It has a focus on commercial recording, often orientated towards a youth market, usually through the medium of relatively short and simple love songs. While these basic elements of the genre have remained fairly constant, pop music has absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, particularly borrowing from the development of rock music, and utilizing key technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes.


Rock !!

YouRockHand.jpg image by zulvaco

Rock music is a genre of popular music that entered the mainstream in the 1960s. It has its roots in 1940s and 1950s rock and rollrhythm and bluescountry music and also drew on folk music,jazz and classical music.
The sound of rock often revolves around the guitar back beat laid down by a rhythm section of electric bass guitardrums, and keyboard instruments such as organpiano, or, since the 1970s,synthesizers. Along with the guitar or keyboards, saxophone and blues-style harmonica are sometimes used as soloing instruments. In its "purest form", it "has three chords, a strong, insistent back beat, and a catchy melody."


Emma Stone

Emily Jean "Emma" Stone (born November 6, 1988) is an American actress. Born and raised inScottsdale, Stone relocated to Los Angeles at the age of 15. She broke into television and landed a starring role in the short-lived series Drive in 2007. She made her feature film debut that year in the comedy Superbad playing Jules. She next appeared in the comedies The Rocker (2008), The House Bunny (2008), Paper Man (2009), and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009). She starred in the box office hit horror/comedy Zombieland (2009), alongside Woody HarrelsonAbigail Breslin, andJesse Eisenberg. She also will be starring in Easy A (2010) and voicing a character in Marmaduke(2010).


Solomon Kane

Bersenjatakan pedang dan senapan, Solomon Kane berjubah hitam, wajahnya yang pucat dan matanya yang dingin tertutup oleh topinya. Solomon Kane adalah seorang penjahat tulen, melakukan perampokan dan perampasan di wilayah perang Afrika Utara akhir tahun 1500an. Saat makhluk jahat/setan menginginkan nyawanya, Kane melarikan diri dengan satu alasan: mencari cara untuk menyelamatkan diri dengan mengubah dirinya menjadi orang baik dan penuh pengabdian. Hidup barunya ini merupakan ujian baru baginya saat ia dipaksa kembali ke kehidupannya yang lama untuk menyelamatkan Inggris dari tangan makhluk jahat/setan tersebut.


i remember you

Skid Row
I remember You

Woke up to the sound of pouring rain 
The wind would whisper and I'd think of you
And all the tears you cried, that called my name
And when you needed me I came through

I paint a picture of the days gone by
When love went blind and you would make me see
I'd stare a lifetime into your eyes
So that I knew you were there for me
Time after time you were there for me

Remember yesterday - walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand - I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say - I remember you

We spend the summer with the top rolled down
Wished ever after would be like this
You said I love you babe, without a sound
I said I'd give my life for just one kiss
I'd live for your smile and die for your kiss

Remember yesterday - walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand - I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say - I remember you

We've had our share of hard times
But that's the price we paid
And through it all we kept the promise that we made
I swear you'll never be lonely

Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
Washed away a dream of you
But nothing else could ever take you away
'Cause you'll always be my dream come true
Oh my darling, I love you 


1012 - 1330


Gigi - Sang Pemimpi

Sang Pemimpi ( OST. Sang Pemimpi )

Sambut hari baru di depanmu
Sang pemimpi siap tuk melangkah
Raih tanganku jika kau ragu
Bila terjatuh ku 'kan menjaga

Kita telah berjanji bersama
Taklukan dunia ini
Menghadapi segala tantangan
Bersama.. (mengejar mimpi-mimpi)

Berteriaklah hai sang pemimpi
Kita tak 'kan berhenti disini

Bersyukurlah pada Yang Maha Kuasa
Hargailah orang-orang yang menyayangimu
Yang selalu ada setia di sisimu
Siapapun jangan kau pernah sakiti
Dalam pencarian jati dirimu
Dan semua yang kau impikan
Tegarlah sang pemimpi


BodyGuards and Assassins

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, pemimpin China modern, nasib Negara ada di tangannya. Ia harus mempertahakan diri dari serangan-serangan tak terduga dengan mengandalkan lima pengawal pribadi untuk melindunginya. Menghadapi ratusan pembunuh, para pengawal ini harus mengerahkan seluruh kemampuan mereka untuk melindungi sang pimpinan meskipun nyawa mereka menjadi taruhannya.


Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Barbie :D

While the first Barbie by Christian Louboutin became available on Net-A-Porter just yesterday, alas, it has already sold out! 

The Wolfman

Lawrence Talbot (Benicio Del Toro), pria terpandang di kotanya, kembali ke rumah keluarganya setelah adiknya menghilang. Berkumpul kembali bersama ayahnya (Anthony Hopkins), Talbot berencana untuk mencari adiknya…dan menemukan takdir dirinya yang mengerikan
Masa kecil Lawrence Talbot berakhir saat kematian ibunya. Setelah ia meninggalkan desa Blackmoor yang suram, ia menghabiskan hidupnya untuk melupakan kejadian tersebut. Namun saat tunangan adiknya, Gwen Conliffe (Emily Blunt) mencarinya untuk membantu mencari kekasihnya, Talbot kembali untuk bergabung. Ia mengetahui bahwa sesuatu yang kuat dan brutal telah membunuh warga desa tersebut, dan seorang inspektur Scotlandia bernama Aberline (Hugo Weaving) datang untuk menyelidiki..


The Storm Warrior

Panglima Jepang Lord Godless berhasrat menaklukkan China. Ia menyandera sejumlah ahli bela diri dan memaksa mereka untuk mengabdi padanya. Diantara para sandera itu terdapat Cloud dan ahli bela diri tertua bernama Nameless. Wind datang untuk menyelamatkan mereka. Namun ketiganya terluka parah akibat serangan Lord Godless. Begitu juga dengan Chu Chu. Ahli bela diri lainnya mengorbankan diri mereka untuk menyelamatkan tiga sekawan tersebut, dengan harapan suatu hari nanti mereka dapat mengalahkan Lord Godless  dan menyelamatkan negeri mereka..



Arthur (Freddie Highmore) melakukan perjalanan bersama Putri Selenia dan adiknya Betameche dari Minimoy dalam mencari kota terlarang Necropolis, rumah para ahli sihir Maltazard yang keji. Mereka harus berhasil melarikan diri dari jaring laba-laba dan ancaman dari  para ahli sihir tersebut


Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

HiLo Boot

These boots are made for a woman who wants to be noticed. Comfort and confidence are key.

Stick with classic colors. Brown and black work, and the less ornamentation the better.

It is OK to show skin with the high-heel thigh high. But with the flat thigh high, it should be worn with tights, with jeans tucked inside, or with a mini skirt paired with tights.

I would say these work best with a simple outfit. Color is certainly not forbidden, but let the thigh-high be the wow factor and the ultimate accessory.
